Everything wrong with The Greatest Showman (Historically at least)

The Greatest Showman (2017) is a musical presenting the fantastical life of Phineas Taylor Barnum, best known as the creator of the three-ringed circus. Set in the mid-nineteenth century we have a rags to riches story where Barnum transforms himself from homeless orphan to the richest and most successful purveyor of entertainment in America. After… Read More Everything wrong with The Greatest Showman (Historically at least)

Why Sybil Ludington wasn’t ‘the female Paul Revere’

On the night of April 18th 1775, Paul Revere rode through the night calling to the people of Boston that, “the British are coming!” Tension had been brewing between American colonists and their British overlords, and in April 1775 British troops moved to disrupt the recently formed ‘Massachusetts Provincial Congress’. Seeing the British arrive, Revere… Read More Why Sybil Ludington wasn’t ‘the female Paul Revere’