Elizabeth I on Film

Happy New Year all! This month is history on film month, because I have decreed it, and what better way to start than looking at the most filmed British monarch; Elizabeth I. Here is a selection of the more modern filmic depictions of Gloriana (and one early one) and whether they are worth a watch.

Raise the Titanic!

If you have not discovered The Head That Launched A Thousand Books I suggest you go there now, it is certainly far more worthwhile than reading this review. Unless of course you’re considering actually watching Raise the Titanic! in which case, do please read on and realise your folly. My recent post regarding films about the… Read More Raise the Titanic!

Quills (2000)

Quills (2000) is one of the more surprising films I own. It hosts an all star cast featuring Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Caine and Geoffrey Rush, it did well at the box office and gained mostly positive reviews, yet I have yet to meet anyone who has ever heard of it. The film follows… Read More Quills (2000)